Taylor Airey Limited

Modern Slavery Act 2015 Statement 2024

About Taylor Airey

Taylor Airey provides consultancy and project delivery services to clients in the transport sector, with a focus on rail and aviation.  We are committed to ensuring there is no modern slavery within our organisation or supply chain.  Our supply chain, which is uncomplicated, consists of fellow SMEs and large corporations with whom we have close relationships.


Our policies provision for, and empower our staff to, apply ethical practices with our clients, society, and the environment.  Throughout our business we promote equality and put measures in place to safeguard employees’ safety.  We have a zero tolerance policy to bullying, harassment, or any form of discrimination.  In addition to our robust recruitment process we have the following relevant policies which mitigate against Modern Slavery:

  • Grievance Procedure Policy
  • Anti-Bribery Corruption Policy
  • Bullying Harassment Policy
  • Equality Policy

Our Approach

Taylor Airey recognises its responsibility to its clients and society as a whole.  We recruit and work with individuals and entities who share our passion and values.  We ensure we meet our responsibilities by carefully selecting and performing due diligence on our supply chain.  We request the necessary information to assess each subcontractor’s capacity to work with us, and assess risk based on the subcontractor’s organisational structure.  For the organisations who meet the criteria, we assure ourselves that a suitable Modern Slavery statement has been published.

Our organisation continues to expand maintaining its capacity to provide valued services in the transportation sector.  We ensure our employees and supply chain have the legal rights to work for, or collaborate with, us.

We developed this statement to outline our approach to safeguarding against modern slavery and human trafficking taking place in our organisation.  We will continue to mitigate against this issue by following our policies and recruiting practices.


Taylor Airey is committed to training all its staff on Modern Slavery, ensuring they can identify and appropriately report any incidents through the established channels.  All new staff are trained on the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and an annual refresher on Modern Slavery is delivered to all staff within the organisation.

Key Performance Indicators

Taylor Airey is proud of its slavery free business.  Our Board monitors the implementation of our modern slavery training using two KPIs:  One monitors whether new staff are trained on Modern Slavery within a month of employment start date, and the other tracks the delivery of annual refresher training.  We also monitor any reported incidents of Modern Slavery within our supply chain, and ensure that checks for Modern Slavery statements have been completed.

Modern Slavery Statement

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Taylor Airey’s modern slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31st March 2024.  This statement was approved by the Board of Directors on 11th June 2024.

For, and on behalf of Taylor Airey Limited.