We provide independent advisory services to our clients to develop strategies and policy that drive their business forward.

Examples of the Strategy services we offer include:
We are highly experienced in many aspects of transaction bidding, including bid strategy development, document production, technical review, quality assurance of deliverables, tender evaluation and business case development.
Our expert rolling stock consultants have been directly involved in the procurement of multiple recent new train orders, supporting both operators and manufacturers. We lead and support new train tendering processes including specification development, invitation to tender production, evaluation of submissions and award decisions.
We understand how important the right organisation is for delivering your transformational projects. Our team has worked with clients to structure their organisations with the right accountabilities and governance to manage a major change such as bringing maintenance in-house.
Our consultants work closely with clients on their truly transformational decisions and projects. As well as providing expert advice, we work hand-in-hand with each client to implement the transformation so that it delivers sustainable business benefits.

Examples of the Transformation services we offer include:
With direct experience of projects totalling over 900 rail vehicles introduced, our rail experts have vast experience of recent new rolling stock introduction. Be it design reviews, contract management, testing or taking in to service, we have the know-how and tools that make us the ideal partner for our clients.
We provide consultancy on some of the largest aviation infrastructure projects where we support operational process change, for example through developing Concepts of Operations (ConOps); and develop and deliver Operational Readiness, Activation and Transition (ORAT) strategies, for example through planning and managing operational trials
Many of our clients require project engineering services for new build, refurbishment or upgrade projects. We have the right blend of experience and knowledge to provide our clients with whatever engineering support they require.
Mobilising a new operational contract is a time critical process, where it counts to have robust, deliverable projects communicated in a clear and consistent way. Our team of consultants is familiar with ensuring deliverables for day one are achieved in compliance with contract commitments, and putting the governance frameworks in place for the early projects until the operational team is ready to take over.
We often work closely with our clients to support them in complex stakeholder management throughout projects, reaching out regularly to ensure stakeholder requirements are captured and that they understand the implications of upcoming strategic or operational changes. Our expert team has provided long-term support to a major transport organisations, such as for a UK airport in planning and delivering stakeholder engagement activities in its airspace modernisation programme.
Operational Improvement
Our clients are always looking to optimise their operational processes in a variety of ways. We use our expertise and experience to go beyond giving advice and work throughout the implementation and deployment of operational improvements. We support our clients in delivering lasting benefits through reduced costs, increased efficiency, quality and process throughput.

Examples of the Operational Improvement services we offer include:
We have worked in partnership with some of the biggest operators and maintainers to optimise their maintenance regimes and asset delivery. We know the common pitfalls, and work hand in hand with our clients in the implementation phase so that cost and asset availability benefits are genuinely realised.
Our airport operations consultants have deep analytical expertise in evaluating the capacity of airport infrastructure and have developed sophisticated bespoke modelling approaches for all the key touchpoints in the flow of passengers, bags and aircraft, from landside roads, to terminal operations such as check in and security, to airfield operations.
We regularly analyse the key components of operational expenditure and advise on potential for efficiencies for airport operators and economic regulators, including analysing cost evolution, benchmarking and cost forecasting. Our unique combination of analytical and airport operations expertise allows us to see beyond the numbers and provide some unique insights.
Providing assurance against requirements for new or changed assets can easily de-rail a project, just when it is at the time critical acceptance stage. In rail, our experts have experience in creating and delivering assurance strategies that ensure correct requirements identification, clear evidence provision and customer sign-off in a timely and robust manner.
We work closely with our partners to improve the performance of their assets. In rail, our expert team has transformed asset performance for rolling stock fleets globally, introducing new analysis and governance techniques, then working on site with the performance teams to ensure improvements are delivered to their full potential.